Caring About Our Community


We give back because this is our home too.

Taking care of our community goes beyond the responsibilities we have to patients sitting in our chairs every day. We love where we live and take pride in our commitment to giving back whenever possible. We enjoy finding fun ways to engage and educate younger generations, sharing tips on healthy habits, and participating in community-led events throughout the year. Dedicating our time to the continued growth and culture of South Delta comes from a love of this community and all those living in it.


Past Community Events


We had fun putting together these pinktanstic goody bags for the Kinsman Mother’s Day Brunch on Mother’s Day 2024. Here’s to brighter smiles and stronger communities together.

My Tsawwassen Dentist has participated in the Beach Grove Women’s Charity Event. We supported and raised money for the Star Fish Pack and OWL rehabilitation society. 

My Tsawwassen Dentist made and donated dental goody bags to the local elementary schools for Oral heath month in April to support and encourage healthy habits.

Along with other local businesses, My Tsawwassen Dentist supported frontline workers at Delta Hospital by contributing 500 tooth goody bags that were provided to the staff members working at the hospital.

We sponsored the Closet to the Tooth Competition at the Delta Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament with a Genius X Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush plus more.


My Tsawwassen Dentist participated in The Century Group Delta Health Golf Tournament as a concierge sponsor. The total raised was over $257,000 for Delta Hospital. For more information, visit

All graduating students at Delta Secondary School have received a tooth goodie bag. 


My Tsawwassen Dentist collaborates with local business's during dental health month to hold a draw for a free electric toothbrush.


April is dental month! In celebration of dental health month, we reached out to all elementary schools and preschools in South Delta to offer a tooth goodie bag to every student.


Team members of My Tsawwassen Dentist participated in this year’s The Coldest Night of the Year. Together we raised over $1,400 by walking in support of Delta Assist.


In support of the community we work in, My Tsawwassen Dentist gives tooth goodie bags to our co-workers in Tsawwassen every December. Keeping our distance. Yet staying together.

My Tsawwassen Dentist participated in the second annual Festival of Lights at Tsawwassen Springs, in support of the Delta Hospital Foundation. Due to Covid 19, My Tsawwassen Dentist had goodie bags available by the tree during selected times.

Due to Covid 19 challenges, Tsawwassen Rotary volunteers were struggling to find a way to complete their annual gift of light at Diefenbaker park in 2020. My Tsawwassen Dentist made a financial contribution to the Gift of Light at Diefenbaker Park.


In support of the community we work in, My Tsawwassen Dentist gives tooth goodie bags to our co-workers in Tsawwassen every December.


My Tsawwassen Dentist was a True Blue Home Gala Sponsor in support of Delta Hospital Foundation to help raise over $224,000 for equipment for the surgical department, which has been greatly impacted by Covid 19. For more information, visit